Women push 11-point

Continued from Page 2-D

rapists and the recognition of rape as a violent and serious crime).

• Respect for the individual (including protection of the right to privacy of relationships between consenting adults, the extension of civil rights legislation to prohibit discrimination based on sexual preference, an end to obstacles against women who wish to determine

their own names, and elimination of discrimination based on marital status).


"Our foremothers would be truly proud that so many of us could come together and set such an agenda," said U.S. Rep. Patricia Schroeder, D-Colo. "There has been this myth, that we are like dogs. We want to be man's best

friend, but we can't get along together. We have shown that this is not true."

The diversity of the organizations backing the agenda supports this. They include groups such as the National Organization for Women, the Camp Fire Girls, the National Women's Political Caucus, Hadassah, the Gray Panthers and the Future Homemakers of America.

Also, the Lesbian Feminist Liberation, the YWCA, the Association of Junior Leagues, and the United Auto Workers' Community Action Program.

The total list now includes more than 90 groups with a constituency, its organizers say, of one-third of the women in the country.